
                                    FUNCTIONAL MATRIX HYPOTHESIS [PART 1] Form follows functions, and hence function determines, controls and regulates form. The FMH framework is based on 4 concepts (Moss 1962): 1- It considers that the Skull consists of: Cranial skeletal units whose: ORIGIN, FINAL SIZE, SHAPE, LOCATION and MAINTENANCE are the result of secondary compensatory and obligatory responses to prior demands exerted by their neighbouring NON SKELETAL cells, tissus, organs and operational volumes (These non-skeletal units are considered the so called FUNCTIONAL MATRICES and are the key structure of Skull-Morphogenesis. 2- The second concept: FMH claims that factors and processes regulating Morphogenesis are basically epigenetic (Relating to, or arising from non genetic influences or gene expressions). 3- FMH considers that bone growth occurs through operation of 3 skeletal processes:  DEPOSITIONS, RESORPTION, MAINTENANCE. 4- A : PERIOSTEAL MATRICES : They involve skeletal muscl
                                Initiatory                                       In this cogitation room, thoughts and reflections are built through a continuous questioning process resorbing dogmas’ blocks and paving the way to a global understanding of Physiogeny, Morphogenesis, Ontogeny and Phylogeny of Occlusion. Introductory definitions: Physiogeny: In Biology, the genesis of functions, the development or evolution of those functions of living matter which are the province of physiology; being one of the branches of Ontology. Ontogeny:  All the developmental events that occur during the existence of a living organism. Morphogenesis: Is the developmental process by which tissues and organs acquire shape, size and location that is critical to their function. Phylogeny:   Or Phylogenetic, refers to to the evolutionary history of the development of a species or of taxonomic group of organisms.